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 p Blake s America A Prophecy and Europe A Prophecy  p p Keynes Sir Geoffrey p

Blake's "America : A Prophecy" and "Europe : A Prophecy" 

Keynes, Sir Geoffrey

Dover Publications, Inc, New York, 1983.

British Art - English Painting - Romantic Art in Britain - Drawings - America : A Prophecy - Europe : A Prophecy - Facsimile Reproductions - Two Illuminated Books - Paperback - Good Condition

In-4, agrafé sous couverture illustrée en couleur, 47 pp.

Avec 35 planches commentées à pleine page en couleur en hors texte.

Bon état d'ensemble. Couverture un peu frottée, un pli angulaire en quatrième de couverture.

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Publisher's Note - America : A Prophecy : Summary of Poem. - Brief Indentification of Illustrations - Europe : A Prophecy : Summary of Poem. - Brief Indentification of Illustrations - The Texts.

William Blake (1757-1827) was one of the greatest engravers in English history.

This volume reproduces two of Blake's visionary masterpieces. America : A Prophecy (1793-94) was inspired by the American Revolution, which Blake endowed with symbolic and universal meaning.

Europe : A Prophecy (1794) depicts how man first became subject to the laws of repressive religion and morality.