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 p Drawings of William Blake 92 Pencil Studies p p Keynes Sir Geoffrey p

Drawings of William Blake - 92 Pencil Studies

Keynes, Sir Geoffrey

Dover Publications, Inc, New York, 1970.

British Art - English Painting - Romantic Art in Britain - Drawings - Paperback - Good Condition

In-4, broché sous couverture illustrée en noir et blanc, xi-177 pp.

Avec 92 planches commentées à pleine page en noir en hors texte.

Bon état d'ensemble. Coins et coiffe de tête frottés.

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Introduction, by Geoffrey Keynes - List of Illustrations - Drawings of William Blake : Plates. 

From hasty sketches to remarkably detailed first drafts, these reproductions  show the full range of Blake's troubled genius. There are many of the first, vigorous and immediate drawings of Blake's illustrations of The Book of Job, The Divine Comedy, the Miltonic Epics, and of Shakespeare's plays.

Sir Geoffrey Keynes' introduction is as excellent as his selection of the drawings themselves, lending insight into Blake's life, his temperament, and his development and achievement in the graphic arts.